Plastic Surgery Basic Principles of Robotic Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction
페이지 정보
Author Hyung Seok Park
ISBN 9791159557309
Korean | 10 Aug 2021
Hardcover | 186p
Price USD $150.00
Robotic surgical systems have changed surgeons‘ experience. Endoscopic or laparoscopic surgery can provide minimally invasive surgery for patients. There is no difference between endoscopic and robotic surgery in terms of the patients` outcomes. However, robotic surgery definitely delivers a better experience for surgeons than endoscopic surgery.
This book will be a good friend not only for breast surgeons, but also for plastic and reconstructive surgeons who are interested in using innovative robotic surgical systems in breast surgery all over the world.
This book is written for breast surgeons or fellows who have not experienced surgery with robotic systems.
I hope this book will be a good friend to guide fellow surgeons all over the world into a new way of robotic breast surgery.
- NextSAFI(Sequential Autologous Fat Injection) 20.12.14
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